Thursday, October 21, 2010


Here's a new alien species concept for Trekkin. This species is called Tchklick by other races, and they are frequently called Clickers, which to them is a grave insult. Their actual species is called Tchklickchitchkititch, but no one but they can pronounce that. I had fun with this one. I liked using limited color palettes.

Also, I recently finished my portfolio. Check it out here .

1 comment:

  1. I love the colors you used!! And this is a very original design. I think some artists get stuck in the rut of more humanoid type species, but this is awesome. :) Great original thought, as always :)

    PS- sorry I couldn't meet up with you at TRF!! My phone died and I was elsewhere when you saw Andrew :'( I'll have to come up soon!
